
Ever notice a pungent odor after wearing a freshly washed piece of clothing only a short time? It’s called permastink.

Even the most modern washing machines or special “fresh” scented detergents can’t fully remove permastink. Once it’s developed the clothing smells unpleasant even before use. Polyester functional textiles are especially affected, sportswear in particular. The cause of this unwelcome effect isn’t sweat itself, but the odor molecules.

But how can textiles be protected against permastink? Odor neutralization has long been used for this purpose. However, to the detriment of the pricing and feel of the products concerned. More recently, a technology was developed to prevent the adherence of odor molecules.

Take the lead!

Innovations, detection methods, and technologies. Get your free copy of the “Odor-Management for Sportswear” guide and learn more about the best solutions against permastink.